TGO 2017 – Route Submission

OK a brief update, so the route card has been submitted to the TGO for vetting. The route starts at Plockton on the 12th May and passes through Fort Augustus, Kingussie, the Cairngorms and into Braemar. It then heads south to Lochcallater, Glen Cova, East to Tarfside and then to Montrose via North Water Bridge. 21 Munros, 15 Subsidiary Tops and 11 Corbett/Tops, over 360km with 14,000m of ascent. Here is the route sheets I submitted, which may change subject to vetting (click to enlarge): Vetters comments and final route to follow shortly….

TGO Challenge 2017 – Planning so far

So..I have a place on next years TGO Challenge!! Over the last few weeks I’ve been refining the kit list and working on the route. I’m fairly happy with the kit I’m taking as its pretty much the kit I’ve used over the last few years with a few minor tweaks and additions for the longer duration (spare clothes/socks etc). There are a few items I’ll decide on in the week before I set off e.g. Ice Axe and Crampons being the most significant. It’ll be a tough decision depending on the snow conditions. The route dones’t include very much time …

TGOC 2017 The very draft route….v1

There are many more hours of planning and refining the route yet, however this is the basic route I’m working on. Camping locations are approximate and will be properly defined as the planning continues. I also need to plan the Foul Weather Alternative (FWA) route which will stick to lower levels and skip out the Cairngorms. Once my route has been submitted to TGOC and vetted I’ll upload the final version.

TGO 2017….Application

  Well my application for next years TGO Challenge has been submitted!!! Apparently I’m the first applicant for TGOC2017, I happened to notice the online application form became available last night so without hesitation I submitted it. The application process involves answering a few questions to assess your experience, competence level and reasons for wanting to enter. This is then assessed by the Challenge coordinators and once accepted places are confirmed early November. Depending on how many applicants they receive it may result in a draw being held. Spaces are limited to 350, the unlucky few are then added to …