Lake District – May 2019

I should have written this ages ago, now it’s just a vague memory, so only a short summary of what I can recall. My brother Pete and I set off on the morning of Friday 24th May 2019 from Derbyshire for a 3 day trip in the Lakes. Arriving at sunny New Dungeon Ghyll Inn around early afternoon we parked up in te field opposite and went in for a pint. We didn’t have a route planned as such, just a rough idea sketched out and a few camp locations penciled in. While we worked on our plan of attack …

4 Day Lakes District Adventure

I’d been planning a trip to the Isle of Skye to do the Skye Trail with a friend of mine Dean Read, however plans changed due to various other commitments, so a shorter trip was arranged in The Lakes. Dean and I drove up on the Saturday morning to meet Peter Dixon (The Lake District Legend) near Elterwater. My friend Trevor made his way up later that evening to meet us at Camp 1. Peter had plans the next day so he walked with us for the afternoon and camped with us for the night before heading off the next …